Sunday, May 8, 2011


As a student, I am always interested in how I am assessed. Assessment determines not only my grade in the class, but the progress I'm making on that particular subject. I have enjoyed the electronic portfolio in the sense that I haven't had to take any tests or quizzes. However, the ePortfolio requires maintenance whereas tests and quizzes do not. I suppose it all depends on the personality of the student. I am a particularly good test taker, but I'm not very good at maintaining long-term assignments. While it is a personal flaw and no excuse, I would still rather have clear source material to study.

Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to the main subject!

I visited to see if they had any rubrics on singing, and sure enough they did. It was a rubric for young singers (elementary through high school) that covered all the bases: tone, breathing, sightreading, and musicality. It even had a rubric for recorder performance. These are wonderful things to have readily available for someone like me that has trouble creating rubrics.

Back to talking about this course, though. The fact that this is done all online made it very convenient with my very busy schedule. I am student teaching and don't have a lot of time for other things. The only comment I would make about the course would be to have a better way of showing us how to create the ePortfolio. I think that was my biggest frustration with it. I couldn't wrap my brain around how to set it up. I understand that it was supposed to be an activity in creativity, but you can't tell someone to make a painting and just assume he knows how to use the paintbrushes.

Okay, bad example. It's been a good class. Much thanks to our wonderful teacher! See y'all kids later :)

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