Sunday, February 20, 2011

Copyright and Fair Use

Choral directors are constantly running into copyright issues because we are POOR!!! Are we allowed to perform this song? Do I have to obtain rights to perform it? Am I allowed to photocopy it? Will I be set on fire for photocopying it? And so on. Public school choir directors have little funding. It is very necessary to photocopy music for the kids, especially when you (the director) are paying for the music out of your own pocket. Fortunately, most copyright laws can be bent for educational purposes. As long as the choir is not making any money off the performance of the piece OR the choir is also a class full of students, then any prohibition on photocopying does not apply. Makes my life easier :)

Okay, cyberbullying I can see happening, but nettiquete? Really? How about we just call it what it really is: common sense. Of course, my dad would say that the thing about common sense is that it isn't common. Do unto others as your would have them do unto you. If they still bug you, block them. Boom. Problem solved. That encompasses both nettiquete and cyberbullying.

In closing, Surfing the web is a lot like actual surfing. There be sharks in them waters! Y'all be safe out there!


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